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Depository corporations: Analytical accounts (C52)

This data provides analytical accounts of the depository corporations (including the Reserve Bank) derived from our consolidated balance sheet and the consolidated balance sheets of registered banks in New Zealand.

Previous years: Monthly:
Dec 2022 Dec 2023 Aug 2024 Sep 2024 Oct 2024 Nov 2024 Dec 2024
Net credit to non-residents ($m)
Net credit to non-residents (A1-A2) -104,916 -91,280 -81,794 -82,562 -84,939 -83,313 -81,900
A1. Credit to non-residents 69,469 73,120 78,108 77,143 82,672 85,225 98,198
A2. Less: Liabilities to non-residents 174,385 164,400 159,902 159,705 167,610 168,538 180,098
Domestic credit ($m)
Domestic credit (B+C) 594,069 601,576 596,502 600,988 602,046 607,710 614,519
B. Net credit to central government 45,404 40,002 24,875 27,448 26,432 28,985 31,807
C. Private sector credit 548,666 561,574 571,627 573,540 575,615 578,725 582,711
C1. Credit to other financial corporations 12,088 13,050 12,568 12,842 13,235 12,669 14,377
C2. Credit to local government 6,838 8,011 8,444 8,660 8,789 8,960 8,814
C3. Credit to public non-financial business 1,340 1,469 1,395 1,533 1,473 1,550 1,498
C9. Credit to other private sectors 528,399 539,045 549,219 550,505 552,118 555,547 558,022
Broad money ($m)
Broad money (D1 to D9) 398,778 412,988 415,026 417,104 418,981 424,404 430,065
D1. Currency held by the public 8,514 8,614 8,403 8,419 8,442 8,513 8,696
D2. Transaction deposits 120,772 112,034 107,132 107,686 108,208 110,634 113,228
D3. Other deposits 269,492 292,340 299,490 301,000 302,331 305,257 308,141
D9. Securities other than shares 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other liabilities ($m)
Debt securities excluded from broad money 30,378 33,442 31,906 31,986 33,745 33,627 34,289
Borrowings 842 182 288 259 464 515 497
Financial derivatives 6,809 5,742 4,857 4,960 3,132 3,150 3,549
Equity ($m)
Equity 61,162 66,125 69,532 68,393 69,350 69,968 70,192
Net other items ($m)
Net other items -8,817 -8,184 -6,901 -4,275 -8,565 -7,267 -5,973

Revisions to historical data

30 August 2024

Today’s publication of Bank Balance Sheet data includes revisions to historical data between March 2024 to June 2024 inclusive, as we now have updated data from our respondents. This has resulted in minor changes to data in:

  • C5 Sector lending (banks and non-bank lending institutions)
  • C50 Money and credit aggregates (depository corporations)
  • C51 Other depository corporations analytical accounts
  • C52 Depository corporations analytical accounts
  • S10 Banks: Balance sheet
  • S30 Banks: Assets – Loans by sector
  • S31 Banks: Assets – Loans by purpose
  • S32 Banks: Assets – Loans by product
  • S33 Banks: Assets – Loans fully secured by residential mortgage by repricing
  • S34 Banks: Assets – Loans and Repos by Industry
  • S35 Banks: Assets – Loans by business size
  • S36 Banks: Assets – Business loans by product
  • S40 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by sector
  • S41 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by industry
  • S42 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by repricing
  • S45 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by size (value)
  • S46 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by size (number)
  • S50 Banks: Assets – Loans by asset quality
  • S51 Banks: Assets – Business loans by asset quality

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]


Assets of depository corporations presented as claims on other resident institutional sectors and non-residents, and liabilities presented by category of financial instrument in order of their liquidity.

Depository corporations comprise:

  • Reserve Bank of New Zealand
  • registered banks.

We source data from our Balance Sheet and our Bank Balance Sheet Survey of New Zealand registered banks.

Periodicity and timeliness

We publish data on the last working day of the month.

Access by the public

Data release

We release data in the Statistics section.

Statistics release calendar

The statistics release calendar provides a long-term plan of scheduled releases. It is updated and released on the first working day of the month.

View the statistics release calendar


Dissemination of terms and conditions under which official statistics are produced, including confidentiality of individual responses

We collect data under Sections 36 and 93 of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989 (the Act).

Read the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989

We only publish aggregated data. Individual institutional data is confidential.

Provision of information about revisions and advance notice of major changes in methodology

We generally publish revisions when the table is next due to be updated and released. Should we need to make revisions more promptly, we post a ‘special note’ on the website.

We post any major changes in methodology on the website as a ‘special note’.


Dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources used in preparing statistics

We compile the analytical accounts in line with the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (IMF 2016).

Read the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (IMF 2016)

Depository corporations

Reserve Bank of New Zealand

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is New Zealand’s central bank.

Registered banks

Consolidated group of banks operating in New Zealand and registered with us.

View the list of banks operating in New Zealand


Net credit to non-residents

Net credit to non-resident is calculated as credit to non-residents less liabilities to non-residents.

Credit to non-residents

Claims on non-residents by registered banks including:

  • debt securities
  • loans and repos
  • other claims.

Liabilities to non-residents

Liabilities to non-residents from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and registered banks including:

  • deposits
  • other liabilities.

Domestic credit

Domestic claims comprises:

  • net credit to central government
  • credit to other sectors (private sector credit).

Net credit to central government

Net credit to central government is calculated as credit to central government less liabilities to central government.


Deposits with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

Other credit to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Other claims to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand comprises:

  • debt securities
  • repos
  • financial derivatives.

Net credit to central government

Net credit to central government is calculated as credit to central government less liabilities to central government.

Credit to central government

Claims on central government by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and registered banks including:

  • debt securities
  • loans and repos
  • ·other claims.

Liabilities to central government

Liabilities to central government from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and registered banks including:

  • deposits
  • other liabilities.

Private sector credit

Private sector credit (also known as claims on other sectors) comprises:

  • debt securities
  • loans and repos
  • other claims.

Debt securities

Debt securities issued by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and registered banks to the private sector:

  • other financial corporations
  • local government
  • public non-financial business
  • other private sectors.


Loans and repos by registered banks to the private sector:

  • other financial corporations
  • local government
  • public non-financial business
  • other private sectors.

Other claims

Other claims (deposits, derivatives) by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and registered banks on the private sector:

  • other financial corporations
  • local government
  • public non-financial business
  • other private sectors.

Other financial corporations

Insurance companies, pension funds and other non-deposit taking financial institutions.

Local government

Local authorities.

Public non-financial business

Government and local authority trading enterprises.

Other private sectors

Non-financial business, households and non-profit institutions serving households.

Broad money

Broad money

Broad money is the sum of all liquid financial instruments held by money-holding sectors that are widely accepted in an economy as a medium of exchange, plus those that can be converted into a medium of exchange at short notice at, or close to, their full nominal value.

Currency held by the public

Currency we issue less any currency held by registered banks. Also known as notes and coins in the hands of the public.

Transaction deposits

Deposit balances where the purpose of the account is primarily for making transactions or ‘every day’ banking by customers. Balances are on call.

Other deposits

Other components of broad money comprises:

  • savings deposits
  • term deposits
  • other.

Savings deposits

Deposit balances where the purpose of the account is primarily for saving. For some balances disincentives may apply if used for transaction purposes; that is, a ‘penalty’ may apply, such as loss of bonus interest. Balances are on call.

Term deposits

Customer time or term deposits with a maturity of greater than one day.


Short-term debt securities issued by registered banks.

Other liabilities

Debt securities excluded from broad money

Debt securities we issue and registered banks that are not included in broad money.


Loans and repos of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and registered banks.

Financial derivatives

Financial derivatives of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and registered banks.



Funds contributed by the owners, reserves and retained earnings of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and registered banks.

Net other items

Other liabilities less other assets, consisting of all liabilities and assets not included elsewhere, and inter-bank consolidation adjustment.

Symbols and conventions for summary table

Symbol or convention Definition
0 Zero or value rounded to zero
- Not applicable
.. Not available
bold Revised/new
italics Provisional
Light grey background Historical

General notes

  • Individual figures may not sum to the totals due to rounding
  • Percentage changes are calculated on unrounded numbers
  • You are free to copy, distribute and adapt these statistics subject to the conditions listed on our copyright page.