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Banks: Assets – Loans fully secured by residential mortgage, by time until next repricing (S33)

This data classifies all loans secured by residential property into fixed and floating loans, and shows the amounts of fixed loans at different durations as they are due to be repriced.

Special note

Revisions to historical data

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Previous years: Monthly:
Jul 2022 Jul 2023 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2024
Loans fully secured by residential mortgage ($m)
Total 339,599 350,585 357,758 358,649 360,104 361,109 361,788
Floating 40,418 35,869 39,066 38,488 39,001 38,518 37,891
Fixed 299,182 314,716 318,692 320,162 321,103 322,591 323,897
Owner occupier property use ($m)
Total 244,656 255,084 261,723 262,417 263,529 264,373 264,833
Floating 29,104 26,082 28,004 27,583 27,960 27,630 27,170
Fixed 215,552 229,002 233,719 234,834 235,569 236,743 237,663
=>1 day and <=3 months 21,682 34,271 38,462 42,100 42,731 43,642 44,758
>3 months and <=6 months 23,778 33,185 45,181 46,322 49,397 52,077 50,353
>6 months and <=1 year 58,350 64,714 69,837 70,031 70,046 70,083 73,288
>1 year and <=2 years 68,819 70,020 56,278 53,559 52,351 51,889 51,724
>2 years and <=3 years 28,374 19,736 18,347 17,471 15,925 14,196 12,908
>3 years and <=4 years 9,580 5,462 3,235 2,972 2,733 2,543 2,519
>4 years and <=5 years 4,964 1,608 2,376 2,378 2,384 2,312 2,111
>5 years 5 5 4 2 3 1 1
Residential investor property use ($m)
Total 89,631 90,221 90,673 90,844 91,129 91,287 91,502
Floating 9,838 8,519 9,663 9,501 9,604 9,468 9,328
Fixed 79,794 81,702 81,010 81,343 81,525 81,819 82,174
=>1 day and <=3 months 9,077 13,632 15,160 16,545 16,800 17,213 17,653
>3 months and <=6 months 9,913 12,834 17,804 18,250 19,507 20,372 19,715
>6months and <=1 year 24,184 25,007 24,819 24,599 24,332 24,117 25,287
>1 year and <=2 years 22,894 22,049 16,568 15,776 15,281 15,136 15,057
>2 years and <=3 years 8,658 6,054 5,278 4,894 4,391 3,868 3,413
>3 years and <=4 years 3,448 1,719 879 780 722 638 622
>4 years and <=5 years 1,618 407 501 499 491 475 427
>5 years 2 1 0 0 1 0 0
Business loans secured by residential property ($m)
Total 5,312 5,279 5,363 5,388 5,446 5,448 5,454
Floating 1,476 1,268 1,400 1,404 1,437 1,420 1,393
Fixed 3,836 4,012 3,963 3,984 4,009 4,028 4,061
=>1 day and <=3 months 585 826 862 859 882 846 885
>3 months and <=6 months 389 540 742 774 838 851 809
>6 months and <=1 year 1,127 1,188 1,111 1,121 1,073 1,162 1,227
>1 year and <=2 years 1,035 999 832 825 846 827 816
>2 years and <=3 years 452 310 312 297 262 240 218
>3 years and <=4 years 154 111 57 56 55 51 54
>4 years and <=5 years 95 38 46 52 52 51 51
>5 years 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Revisions to historical data

30 August 2024

Today’s publication of Bank Balance Sheet data includes revisions to historical data between March 2024 to June 2024 inclusive, as we now have updated data from our respondents. This has resulted in minor changes to data in:

  • C5 Sector lending (banks and non-bank lending institutions)
  • C50 Money and credit aggregates (depository corporations)
  • C51 Other depository corporations analytical accounts
  • C52 Depository corporations analytical accounts
  • S10 Banks: Balance sheet
  • S30 Banks: Assets – Loans by sector
  • S31 Banks: Assets – Loans by purpose
  • S32 Banks: Assets – Loans by product
  • S33 Banks: Assets – Loans fully secured by residential mortgage by repricing
  • S34 Banks: Assets – Loans and Repos by Industry
  • S35 Banks: Assets – Loans by business size
  • S36 Banks: Assets – Business loans by product
  • S40 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by sector
  • S41 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by industry
  • S42 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by repricing
  • S45 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by size (value)
  • S46 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by size (number)
  • S50 Banks: Assets – Loans by asset quality
  • S51 Banks: Assets – Business loans by asset quality

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

View previous Special note

The data: coverage, periodicity and timeliness

Coverage characteristics

We source data from our Balance Sheet Survey.

  • S10 Banks: Balance sheet
  • S30 Banks: Assets – Loans by sector
  • S31 Banks: Assets – Loans by purpose
  • S32 Banks: Assets – Loans by product
  • S33 Banks: Assets – Loans fully secured by residential mortgage by repricing
  • S34 Banks: Assets – Loans and Repos by industry
  • S35 Banks: Assets – Loans by business size
  • S36 Banks: Assets – Business loans by product
  • S37 Banks: Assets – Agriculture loans by product
  • S40 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by sector
  • S41 Banks: Liabilities – Deposits by industry
  • S50 Banks: Assets – Loans by asset quality

Most data starts from 31 December 2016 when the Bank Balance Sheet Survey replaced the Standard Statistical Return (SSR). However, some data has been backdated to provide long-run consistent data. The back series has been estimated using data from the SSR. Asset quality data starts from March 2018.

Data is reported at market values, where applicable, and as at the end of the reporting period.

Data covers assets and liabilities denominated in both NZ dollars and foreign currency. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are converted into New Zealand dollars in accordance with NZ GAAP.

Periodicity and timeliness

We publish data on the last working day of the month.

Access by the public

Statistics release calendar

The statistics release calendar provides a long-term plan of scheduled releases. We update it and release it on the first working day of the month.

View the statistics release calendar


Dissemination of terms and conditions under which official statistics are produced, including confidentiality of individual responses

We collect data under Sections 36 and 93 of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act (1989).

We publish aggregated data. Individual institutional data is confidential.

Read the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989

Provision of information about revisions and advance notice of major changes in methodology

We generally publish revisions when we are next due to update and release the table. Should we need to make revisions more promptly, we will post a special note. We post any major changes in methodology as a special note.


Dissemination of documentation on methodology and sources used in preparing statistics

The survey template and definitions are available.

Go to the Surveys page

Dissemination of statistics that support statistical cross-check and provide assurance of reasonableness

Registered banks publish disclosure statements that offer checks for reasonableness.


Cash (notes and coin)

All currency held by registered banks. Includes both notes and coins issued or authorised by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and all foreign currency notes and coin held that have been issued or authorised by offshore central banks or governments.

Deposits (with depository institutions)

Deposits are amounts that are redeemable or withdrawable from another bank or financial institution and are not debt securities or held as available for sale.

Demand deposits

Demand balances are amounts that are redeemable or withdrawable from another bank or financial institution on demand (balances are on call) and are not debt securities or held as available for sale.

Other deposits

Other deposits comprise all claims, other than demand deposits, that are represented by evidence of deposit. Includes all time or term deposits that have a maturity of greater than one day and also includes cash collateral placed in relation to derivative trades.

Debt securities

Debt securities are negotiable instruments serving as evidence of a debt, can be bought or sold between two parties and have basic terms defined, such as notional amount (amount borrowed), interest rate and maturity/renewal date. Debt securities include government bonds, corporate bonds, CDs, local body bonds, preference stock, collateralised securities and zero-coupon securities. Includes both available-for-sale and trading securities.

Available-for-sale securities

Available-for-sale securities that are non-derivative financial assets that are designated as available for sale.

Trading securities

Trading securities are financial instruments acquired principally for selling in the short term or securities that are part of a portfolio that is managed for short-term profit-taking. Trading securities are held at fair value, with gains and losses being recorded in profit or loss in accordance with NZ GAAP.

Loans and advances

Loans and advances (or receivables) are financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. Loans are financial assets that (1) are created when a creditor lends funds directly to a debtor, and (2) are evidenced by non-negotiable documents.

Other net adjustments for loans and advances

Adjustments currently included in ‘Net loans and advances’ as reported in Disclosure Statements.

Securities purchased under agreement to resell

Securities purchased under agreement to re-sell with counterparties (including with us).

Shares and other equity investments

Shares are referred to as equity and represent ownership of part of a company. Shares can be listed, unlisted or units in investment funds.

Derivatives in an asset position

Derivatives are instruments that derive their value from an underlying asset, an underlying liability, an index or reference rate. Derivatives in an asset position are contracts where the market value of the closing position is positive at the reporting date.

Other assets

All other assets not classified including insurance assets, accounts receivable, dividends receivable, tax assets, property plant and equipment, goodwill and intangibles.



Deposits are standard, non-negotiable contracts open to the public that allow the placements of variable amounts of funds and the later withdrawal. Deposits exclude any debt securities but include redeemable shares issued by building societies to customers

Transaction balances

These include balances where the purpose of the account is primarily for making transactions or everyday banking by customers. Balances are on call.

Savings balances

These include balances where the purpose of the account is primarily for saving. For some balances disincentives may apply if used for transaction purposes; that is, a penalty may apply such as loss of bonus interest. Balances are on call.

Term deposit balances

Customer time or term deposits with a maturity of greater than one day.

Other net adjustments for deposits

Adjustments currently included in ‘total deposits’ as reported in Disclosure Statements.

Debt securities (issued)

Debt securities are negotiable instruments serving as evidence of a debt, can be bought or sold between two parties and have basic terms defined, such as notional amount (amount borrowed), interest rate and maturity/renewal date. Debt securities issued include CDs, preferred stock, collateralised securities (such as CDOs, CMOs, GNMAs) and zero-coupon securities. Includes short-term, subordinated, and other long-term debt securities.

Debt securities issued comprises securities issued in New Zealand and issued offshore.

Short-term debt securities ( ≤ one year)

Debt securities that have an original term to maturity of one year or less.

Subordinated debt securities ( > one year)

Tradable subordinated debt securities (not loans) as defined under the Basel Capital Adequacy framework including those held by parents and related parties.

All other long-term debt securities ( > one year)

All other debt securities that have an original term to maturity of greater than one year.

Other net adjustments for debt securities

Adjustments currently included in ‘total debt securities’ as reported in Disclosure Statements.


Borrowing is a loan to the bank. A loan is a financial liability created when funds are borrowed directly from a lender and are evidenced by documents that are not negotiable. Includes subordinated and other borrowed funds. Also includes securities sold under agreement to repurchase.

Subordinated loans

Subordinated loans as defined under the Basel Capital Adequacy framework.

Securities sold under agreement to repurchase

Securities sold under agreements to repurchase with banks (including with us).

All other borrowed funds

All other borrowing from parents (except subordinated borrowings and subordinated debt securities), cash collateral received in relation to derivative trades, and all other funding not classified as deposits or securities.

Other net adjustments for borrowings

Adjustments currently included in ‘total borrowing’ as reported in Disclosure Statements.

Derivatives in a liability position

Derivatives are instruments that derive their value from an underlying asset, an underlying liability, an index or reference rate. Derivatives in a liability position are contracts where the market value of the closing position is negative at the reporting date.

Other liabilities

All liabilities not already classified.


Ordinary shares

Ordinary share capital on issue.

Preference shares

Preference shares have a priority over dividend payments and to the assets of the reporting company.


Profits that are not distributed to shareholders as dividends but are kept as a reserve for specific purposes.

Retained earnings

Profits that are not distributed to shareholders as dividends but are reinvested in the bank.


Any equity not separately identified including branch capital.



Persons, companies and other entities that are ordinarily domiciled or have a principal centre of economic interest in New Zealand.

Financial businesses

This sector consists of resident financial institutions that mainly pursue financial services.

The major subsectors are:

  • Reserve Bank of New Zealand
  • registered banks
  • other depository institutions
  • other financial institutions.

Non-financial businesses

Non-financial businesses consist of resident business enterprises that produce goods and non-financial services to sell at competitive market prices that are sufficient to generate a profit or surplus in the long term. Includes residential investor property use loans.

General government

General government comprises:

  • central government
  • local government.

Central government

Central government includes organisational units of central government responsible for functions such as taxation, law and order, defence, and those responsible for advancing the economic and social wellbeing of the country in other ways.

Local government

This sector consists of territorial authorities and regional councils, as well as other non-market units and non-profit institutions they control. They are responsible for functions such as town planning, providing local infrastructure, libraries, museums and sports grounds.

Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH)

This sector includes organisations that provide goods or services to their members, or to other households, without charge or at prices that are not economically significant.

The main kinds of organisations included are:

  • community and social groups
  • philanthropic organisations.


This sector includes individuals, family trusts and estates.


Persons, companies and other entities that are ordinarily domiciled or have a principal centre of economic interest in a country other than New Zealand. Includes financial institutions abroad, sovereign abroad, non-financial business abroad and households abroad.

Sovereign abroad

Non-New Zealand sovereigns, supranational and quasi-sovereign entities.

Financial institutions abroad

This sector consists of non-resident financial institutions that mainly pursue financial services.

Non-financial business abroad

Includes non-resident business enterprises that produce goods and non-financial services to sell at competitive market prices that are sufficient to generate a profit or surplus in the long term.

Households abroad

This sector includes individuals, family trusts and estates ordinarily domiciled or have a principal centre of economic interest in a country other than New Zealand.

Other abroad

All other non-resident entities not already classified.

Loan purpose


Housing comprises:

  • owner occupier property use
  • residential investor property use.

Owner occupier property use

Owner occupiers are borrowers who own or are in the process of buying or building the house or flat they will live in as their principal place of residence. An owner can occupy more than one property; for example, a family home and a holiday home. Only households can have owner occupier property use loans.

Residential investor property use

Investors are entities or persons borrowing for the purpose of building or purchasing residential property to rent. This includes ‘mum and dad’ investor loans and any person(s) that have a separate residential investor property use loan that is not for their normal business purpose.

Personal consumer loans

Personal or consumer loans that are not fully secured on residential property including overdrafts, credit cards and term loans.

Business loans

Business loans comprise:

  • loans (for business use) to non-financial businesses that are fully secured by residential mortgage
  • loans to non-financial businesses that not fully secured by residential mortgage.

Excludes agriculture loans.

Commercial property


  • investment property
  • property development – commercial
  • property development – residential.

Investment property

Includes primarily commercial property for capital value appreciation and associated cash flows.

Property development – commercial

Includes primarily construction of office, retail or other commercial developments.

Property development – residential

Includes primarily residential sub-division and residential apartment developments.

Other business

All other business loans that are not for commercial property. Excludes agriculture loans.

Agriculture loans

Business loans to the agriculture industry (ANZSIC06) including:

  • dairy farming
  • sheep, beef cattle and grain farming
  • horticulture
  • other agriculture on farm.

Does not include any loans to the agriculture industry for residential investor property use.

Financial institutions loans

Loans to financial institutions. Does not include any loans to financial institutions for residential investor property use.

Other loans

All other loans to general government non-profit institutions serving households.

Loan product

Interest only

Loans that have no scheduled principal repayment. This does not include revolving credit loans that have a fixed limit or revolving credit loans that have a scheduled reducing limit.

Revolving credit

Revolving credit loans are loans that have a fixed limit but no scheduled principal repayment. Such loans can be redrawn and paid back repeatedly within approved limits without further credit approval. This does not include revolving credit loans that have a scheduled reducing limit.

Principal and interest

Loans that have scheduled principal repayment; for example, table loans. This includes revolving credit loans that have a scheduled reducing limit.

Overdraft (personal consumer)

Available balance is below zero (overdrawn).

Credit cards (personal consumer)

Outstanding loans originated and still managed via credit cards.

Term loans (personal consumer)

Loan that is repaid in regular payments over a set period of time. Does not include term loans fully secured by residential property.

All other loans

All other loans and advances not included elsewhere.

Loans fully secured by residential mortgage

Loans fully secured by residential mortgage

Loans secured by a mortgage over a residential property. Excludes loans cross collateralised between residential property and other assets where the share attributable to the residential property cannot be identified.

Owner occupier property use

Owner occupiers are borrowers who own or are in the process of buying or building the house or flat they will live in as their principal place of residence. An owner can occupy more than one property; for example, a family home and a holiday home.

Residential investor property use

Investors are entities or persons borrowing for the purpose of building or purchasing residential property to rent. This includes ‘mum and dad’ investor loans and any person(s) that have a separate residential investor property use loan that is not for their normal business purpose.

Business loans secured by residential property

Business lending where the only security type is a residential mortgage loan. The borrower declares that the loan is for business purposes as part of the loan application. Excludes loans cross collateralised between residential property and other assets where the share attributable to the residential property cannot be identified.

Loan repricing


Floating rate loans where the interest rate can or does change the following business day and offset loans.


All other loans that are not floating or non-interest bearing, which are reporting in the bucket in which the interest rate resets. Loans are reported on a non-amortised basis i.e. the fully outstanding loan principal is reported in the time bucket in which the loan’s interest rate is re-priced or reset.



The Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) 2006 is used to compile and analyse industry statistics in New Zealand and Australia.

Data for loans by (ANZSIC) industry (S34) will not align with loans by sector (S30) or purpose (S31). For example:

  • Loans by (ANZSIC) industry (S34) includes securities purchased under agreement to resell (repos).
  • Loans to the public administration and safety industry does not include Crown entities (S34). Loans to Crown entities are included in the general government sector (S30).
  • Loans to ACC and EQC are included in the insurance industry (S34). Loans to ACC and EQC are included in the general government sector (S30).
  • Loans to district health boards (DHBs) are included in the health care and social assistance industry (S43). Loans to DHBs are included in the general government sector (S30).
  • Loans to the agriculture industry includes loans for residential investor property use and loans to Crown entities involved in agriculture (S34). The loans for agriculture purposes does not include residential investor property use or loans to Crown entities involved in agriculture (S31).
  • Loans to the rental, hiring and real estate surveys includes loans for residential investor property use (S34).

Loans by business size

Loans by business size

Business loans are categorised by the size of their business turnover. Further guidance on loans by business size can be found in the Bank Balance Sheet definitions. Business loans by size is a breakdown of business loans in table S31.


Turnover less than $1m.


Turnover greater than $1m and less than $50m.


Turnover greater than $50m.


Small and medium enterprise loans.

Loans by asset quality

Total loans

Gross loans and advances.

Impaired loans

A loan or advance is impaired when one or more events occur that cause a lender to believe they will not receive all of the future principal and interest repayments that have been contractually agreed with the borrower. These events could include: the borrower entering significant financial difficulty or bankruptcy; the borrower failing to make repayments as required and the loan becoming past due; the contractual agreement between the lender and borrower being restructured or amended; the borrower breaching covenants or other terms and conditions that have been contractually agreed with the lender.

Loans 90 days past due but not impaired

A loan or advance is past due when the borrower fails to make a payment (of principal and/or interest) when that payment was contractually due. When a borrower has failed to make repayments on a loan for 90 or more days, that loan is 90 days past due.

Total non-performing loans

The total value of loans and advances that are 90 days past due plus impaired loans.

Non-performing loans ratio (%)

Ratio of total non-performing loans to total loans.

Individual provisions

An allowance for expected credit impairment loss on individual loans and advances where the borrower is having difficulty servicing the loan, or where a loan or advance becomes non-performing.

Collective provisions

An allowance for anticipated credit impairment loss from groups of loans and advances.

Difference to other published tables

The table S50 Loans by Asset Quality will not align with series published in table S31 Loans by Purpose due to business loans fully secured by residential property not being collected with a detailed asset quality breakdown. Business loans fully secured by residential property are published in table S33 Loans Fully Secured by Residential Mortgage, by time until next repricing.


Foreign currency (FX)

The New Zealand dollar equivalent of foreign currency balances.

Symbols and conventions for summary table

Symbol or convention Definition
0 Zero or value rounded to zero
- Not applicable
.. Not available
bold Revised/new
italics Provisional
Light grey background Historical

General notes

  • Individual figures may not sum to the totals due to rounding
  • Percentage changes are calculated on unrounded numbers
  • You are free to copy, distribute and adapt these statistics subject to the conditions listed on our copyright page.