Survey of national importance
Tara-ā-Umanga Business Expectations Survey is a representative survey of national importance. We use the survey results to understand the economic outlook held by key decision makers.
The survey data are used to create summary statistics that are a valuable information resource for the Monetary Policy Committee to inform appropriate settings for monetary policy.
Sound monetary policy, well-informed by high quality data, is good for everyone in Aotearoa New Zealand by avoiding big swings in economic activity and supporting price stability.
Our investment in an industry-wide survey will also provide evidence to support decision-making across many aspects of our work, beyond monetary policy.
Being chosen for participation
We value the views of all our survey participants and appreciate their time and commitment to help support the wider economy. Survey responses are the only way to understand, first-hand, the current economic outlook of businesses.
Why take part
If your business is selected, we have carefully chosen you to represent the views of your industry and businesses of a similar size.
Businesses are chosen at random from Stats NZ’s Statistical Business Register, using a stratified random sample. This statistical approach allows us to confidently estimate key results for all New Zealand businesses.
Participation in the survey is voluntary. You can withdraw at any time.
Who is conducting the survey
Research New Zealand – Rangahau Aotearoa is carrying out the survey on behalf of Te Pūtea Matua Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
Survey length and timing
The survey is designed to take less than 10 minutes to complete.
We plan to conduct the survey four times a year, in late– January, April, July, and October.
Respondent information will be held securely, only used for statistical purposes, and always kept confidential. Results will be published in aggregate form only for groups of businesses. Individual businesses will not be identified in any publication.
Further information
To learn more about the design and development of the survey see Tara-ā-Umanga Business Expectations Survey: Survey design and development.