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Tāne Mahuta and our financial system

We have adopted the legend of Tāne Mahuta to explain the interconnected parts of the financial system and our role as kaitiaki.

How Tāne Mahuta can explain our financial system

Māori oral traditions tell us that Tāne Mahuta dug his shoulders into Papatuanuku (earth mother) and used his legs to push against Ranginui (sky father), separating them and letting the light into the world. With that light, Tāne Mahuta, guardian of the forest and birds, enabled life to thrive. We thank the northern hapu Te Roroa, who act as kaitiaki to Tāne Mahuta, for their support in our use of this narrative.

Kaitiakitanga | Guardianship

Reflects our role as guardians of New Zealand’s financial system.

Ngā Pekanga | Branches and leaves

Represent the regulated entities — banks, insurers and non-bank deposit takers.

Te Toto | Sap

Represents money, cash and foreign reserves.

Te Tariwai | Vascular system

Represents the payment and settlement systems.

Ngā Pūtake | Roots

Represent our legislation and balance sheet.

The lobby of our Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) office is a physical manifestation of the Tāne Mahuta narrative. 

Read about our lobby carvings and what they symbolise

Tāne Mahuta