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Historical perspectives and implications of the Global Financial Crisis

We co-hosted this June 2009 workshop with the Victoria University of Wellington to discuss the global financial crisis and the historical perspectives and implications for New Zealand.

Past Event
Wednesday, 17 June 2009 to Wednesday, 17 June 2009
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Reserve Bank of New Zealand


Opening comments by Governor Alan Bollard, RBNZ

Session 1

Session chair: Bernard Hodgetts (Reserve Bank of New Zealand, RBNZ)

Opening comments by Governor Alan Bollard, RBNZ

A historical perspective on the current crisis
Presented by: Michael Bordo (Rutgers University)
Discussant: Arthur Grimes (MOTU / Waikato University)

Banking crises in New Zealand: A historical overview
Presented by: Chris Hunt (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)
Discussant: Gary Hawke (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)

Session 2

Session chair: Bob Buckle (Victoria University of Wellington)

The winds of change for central banks: the impact of economic crises on the central banking world
Presented by: John Singleton (Victoria University of Wellington)
Discussant: Michael Reddell (Treasury)

Session 3

Session chair: David Hargreaves (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)

New Zealand and the financial crises of 2008
Presented by: David Tripe (Massey University)
Discussant: Paul Bedford (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)

Only in America? Must housing booms always end in meltdowns?
Presented by: Luci Ellis (Reserve Bank of Australia)
Discussant: Mizuho Kida (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)

Session 4

Session chair: John McDermott (Reserve Bank of New Zealand)

Panel discussion: Policy implications of the current crisis
Discussant: Michael Bordo (Rutgers University), Grant Spencer (Reserve Bank of New Zealand) and Brian Easton (Independent researcher)