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Post MPS speaking events – 12-14 March

Adrian Orr and Paul Conway will each speak about the February Monetary Policy Statement at events over 12-14 March 2024.

Past Event
Tuesday, 12 March 2024 to Thursday, 14 March 2024

12-13 March

While Governor Adrian Orr is in Europe attending meetings, he will also speak about the February Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) to clients of JB Drax on 12 March and clients of Barclays Capital on 13 March, both in London.

For both of these events the Governor will speak to the February MPS presentation slides (PDF, 2.7 MB) which are published on our website.

There will be no new information provided.

14 March

Chief Economist Paul Conway will speak about the February Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) to a Kiwibank breakfast event between 7am to 9am, 14 March at Royal Akarana Yacht Club, Tamaki Drive, Auckland.

Mr Conway will speak to MPS presentation slides (PDF, 2.7 MB) published on 28 February. 

There are no published speaking notes. There will be no new information provided.