On 18 February 2015, we published an updated version of the Insurer Solvency Return and a new Insurer Solvency Exempt Return. We issued notices to insurers specifying the reporting requirements including the frequency and effective date. We included the consultation and associated feedback in the early consultation of the insurer data collections.
28 November 2014
Summary of submissions and Reserve Bank assessment: Collection of New Zealand insurer data (PDF 106KB)
12 September 2014
10am to noon – Auckland meeting for feedback
27 August 2014
Consultation paper: Collection of New Zealand insurer data (PDF 126KB)
Insurer Return (IR): draft form (PDF 305KB)
Quarterly Insurer Survey (QIS): draft form (PDF 234KB)
Insurer Solvency Return (ISR): draft form (PDF 161KB)
Insurer Solvency Exempt Return (ISER): draft form (PDF 67KB)