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Cash use and payments postal survey

The Reserve Bank has ongoing research looking at cash use and payments in New Zealand.

The Reserve Bank has ongoing research looking at cash use and payments in New Zealand.

We are currently running a regular postal survey with the help of Research New Zealand.

If you’ve received a letter inviting you to participate then you can be sure that the request is genuine by checking the following details:

  • The website address for online completion is (Only people invited to participate can access the survey online using an ID number matched to other details.)
  • Research New Zealand’s phone number is 0800 273 732.
  • The postage-paid return envelope for completed surveys is addressed to:

Research NZ
PO Box 10617
The Terrace
Wellington 6143

Please only return the survey by typing in the website address above or using the postage-paid return envelope. NZ Post is an essential service, and is clearing and delivering mail at all COVID-19 alert levels.

Please complete the survey as soon as possible, regardless of COVID-19 alert level. All responses are confidential. The survey will help us understand how New Zealanders are using and thinking about cash and payments today, compared to when we last surveyed people this way two years ago. More information is in the mail pack. Thank you very much for your participation.

Unfortunately we are unable to offer the survey to people who have not been invited to participate because this would invalidate the random selection off the electoral rolls which helps make sure the sample closely represents the New Zealand adult population.

Media contact:
Peter Northcote
Senior External Relations Advisor | Money & Cash Department
Ph: 04 471 3821
Email: [email protected]