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Guidelines for Financial Services businesses and staff under COVID-19 Alert Level 3

Under Level 3, financial services businesses and staff who can operate from home must continue to do so. Workplaces may be reopened if the work cannot be done from home and the workplace can operate consistently within public health guidance and ensure the appropriate protections for staff and where applicable customers.

Last updated: 27/08/2020

Financial services businesses and staff who can operate from home must do so. Workplaces may open if the work cannot be done from home and the workplace can operate consistently within public health guidance and ensure the appropriate protections for workers and where applicable customers. If you are unsure about what activities you can undertake, please contact the FMA or RBNZ.

Operating in Alert Level 3 carries great responsibility to ensure the health and safety of workers and customers. The expectations of customers, the community, workers, and regulators is that workplaces will meet the highest possible standards and that managers, supervisors, and individual workers actively manage adherence to the safety measures and expectations. We expect all staff to demonstrate leadership and appropriate self-supervision to ensure that these standards are met and that they are looking out for the health and safety of their colleagues and community while at work.

Firms should follow Alert Level 3 Guidelines as set out by Worksafe, including maintaining 1-metre physical distancing, to the greatest extent practicable, for all workers. Guidance on the use of masks at the different alert levels can be found here.

For the latest actions, restrictions, and guidance, please refer to the Unite against COVID-19 website.

The information provided is not in substitution for or in any way an alteration to the laws of New Zealand or any official guidelines or requirements.