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CBL Insurance hearing date

The Auckland High Court has set aside three days, starting 30 July, to hear the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s application to liquidate CBL Insurance Limited (in interim liquidation).

The Auckland High Court has set aside three days, starting 30 July, to hear the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s application to liquidate CBL Insurance Limited (in interim liquidation).

The hearing was originally set down for 5 and 6 June. Parties opposing the liquidation recently asked the Reserve Bank to give consideration to some additional options for dealing with CBL Insurance. The hearing was deferred at the request of the Reserve Bank to allow any stakeholders the opportunity to present such options and for the Reserve Bank and the interim liquidators to consider those options properly.

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Angus Barclay
External Communications Adviser
Phone: 04 471 3698 or 027 337 1102
Email: [email protected]