Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard today announced he will not be seeking another term as Governor when his current term ends on 25 September this year.
Appointed in September 2002, Dr Bollard is in his second five-year term.
Dr Bollard said that he will be fully focused in his remaining eight months on the serious economic and financial challenges facing New Zealand.
"As I noted last week, the Bank is ready to respond to ongoing developments overseas, especially in Europe, the US and China, as well as domestically, particularly the Canterbury earthquakes. In addition, the Bank's expanded prudential regulatory responsibilities mean we will continue to introduce new prudential requirements this year, especially in the insurance and non-bank sectors."
The Chair of the Reserve Bank Board, Dr Arthur Grimes, said the Board will search in New Zealand and abroad to identify a successor to Dr Bollard. The Governor is appointed by the Minister of Finance on the recommendation of the Board.
Media contact:
Mike Hannah
Head of Communications
Ph 04 4713671, 021
497418, [email protected]