As is usual ahead of a government bond maturity, the Reserve Bank offers to purchase NZ government bonds maturing 15 July 2009 for liquidity management purposes. These purchases will help manage the large cash inflow to the banking system on 15 July as a result of the bond maturity (as at 30 April there were $4,197m of the 15 July 2009 bonds on issue in the market). Purchases will be made for the Bank's own account and we expect to hold the bonds to maturity or they may be on sold to NZDMO.
This offer opens at 11am on 19 May 2009 and remains open until further notice.
Interested parties should telephone their offers to the Domestic Market section between 11am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm daily.
Preferred settlement dates will be determined by projected liquidity flows to ensure that these purchases have a limited impact on the current level of settlement cash in the banking system. All transactions will be conducted on a yield to maturity (Treasury bill) basis. Details of purchases will be announced daily.
This operation has been undertaken to manage near term liquidity flows and has no implications for the Bank's monetary policy stance.
Media contact:
Mike Hannah
Head of Communications
Ph 04 4713671, 021
[email protected]